About Submissions
The Boulder Art Review is currently accepting submissions until 7/31/2025.
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible for every submission to be featured. Because of this, students and young people looking to be established (career) artists will be prioritized. Submissions are handled on a case by case basis and reviewed by the editor. Submissions are private and not shared with anyone but the editor. Submissions are stored on a local device and never uploaded to the internet. Your work will never be critiqued or criticized unless indicated for a specific reason. Submissions from all ages are allowed. You may revoke your submission at any time. Please direct all questions and concerns to, not the submission space.
If you do not live locally:
Currently, the Boulder Art Review is primarily accepting submissions from applicants within Boulder County. If you are in a neighboring county, Denver, or other location in Colorado, please submit anyways, but indicate this to the editor. The Boulder Art Review is looking to feature 2-4 guest artists who are not located in Boulder, but may be from or connected to Boulder or Colorado in some way.
What Will Happen To Your Submission:
When received by the editor, you will receive an automated confirmation email. It may take up to 48 hours to receive this email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please email the editor at
Then, your submission will be evaluated for inclusion in the magazine. Most featured artists practicing general mediums will be accompanied by an interview, editorial, or artist profile in addition to your work. We are interested in the thoughts, life story, and decision making behind your creative process just as much as we are concerned with your art. You and your work might be photographed, if applicable.
Your submission may not be accepted right away. Final decisions will be announced on 7/31/2025.
If your submission is accepted before then, you will be notified personally by email with steps for continuation. Submissions may not be accepted for reasons relating to illegal content, formatting, or other reasons unrelated to the subjective quality, style, or type of work. The Boulder Art Review reserves the right to reject a submission for any reason.
To Submit,
Please draft an email including the following:
Addressed to
Subject: Your first name, medium, “application"
Your first and last name
Email (please provide two if not providing a phone number)
Phone number (optional, see above)
Student status, year, university/school, and major (if applicable)
Sample work, relevant previous work, online portfolio, or social media
Relevant background information, history, personal relationship to your art, or any and all interesting thoughts relating to your work or art as a subject
Any ideas relating to the formatting, genre, type, or style of your feature
Work submitted will not be directly featured in the magazine, do not worry about resolution or image compression when submitting visual work.
Different types of submissions may require additional information. In addition to providing the information above, locate your submission type (though it may not be listed) and include applicable information before submitting.
Submission Types and Criteria
Writers submitting Essays, Think Pieces, Narratives
We are currently looking for 5-10 short-medium texts, narrative, fiction, and nonfiction to feature in the first issue. These may include interviews, opinion/editorial pieces, stories, essays, or any other form of creative writing. There is currently no word or character limit. Multiple submissions allowed. Please include multiple submissions in the same email. Links and standard filetypes accepted.
If accepted, the editor will work closely with you during the editorial process in order to retain the initial creative vision for the piece. All edits to the original text (for formatting, layout, or brevity) will be approved by you before entering the final design process.
Graphic, Type, and Layout Designers
While the Boulder Art Review is currently not accepting staff designers, it is currently looking for 2-3 graphic designers to work closely with accepted artists to design and arrange page spreads. If you are a designer, please indicate if there is a specific artist you would like to work with, though it is wise to speak to the artist about this first! Additionally, include the following:
A portfolio of relevant work
A direction or style you would like to pursue for the layout
Graphic Designers
Web Designers
Make sure links to any projects are live and shareable.
Art Historians and Culturists
Please indicate the type of art history you specialize in. If you are interested in submitting writing, please see Writers…
In addition to any digital photos, please submit photos of any darkroom or fine art prints, i.e non-digital work.
Painters, Drawers and 2d Physical Artists
Digital Artists
3d artists (Incl. Textile and Fabric Artists) and Sculptors
Fashion Designers
Please also include drawings, sketches, and model photos if applicable.
Musicians and Producers
Architects and Environmental Designers
Please include any renderings, photos of models, mockups, or illustrations.
Dancers and Choreographers
Please include videos of your work if applicable
Videographers and Directors
If your medium or practice is not listed, please send your submissions regardless!
Remember: We are interested in the thoughts, life story, and decision making behind your creative process just as much as we are concerned with your art.
If accepted, you may be contacted regarding an opportunity to be interviewed and photographed. Your work will not be shown without permission.
Additionally, please address all non-submissions to